
bhadraṁ karṇebhiśśṛṇuyāma devāḥ |

bhadraṁ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ |

sthirairaṅgaistuṣṭuvām̐ sastanūbhiḥ |

vyaśema devahitaṁ yadāyuḥ |

svasti na indro vṛddhaśravāḥ |

svasti naḥ pūṣā viśvavedāḥ |

svasti nastārkṣyo ariṣṭanemiḥ |

svasti nobṛhaspatirdadhātu ||

oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||

What is auspicious with our ears may we hear, O Devas.

With our eyes may we see what is auspicious, always engaged in worship.

Adoring with organs and bodies perfect, may we enjoy the length of life granted us by the Devas.

May thewise-taught Indra grant us svasti (health,prosperity and good flow).

May the all-knowing Pushan grant us svasti.

May Tarkshya of unfailing wheel grant us svasti.

May Brihaspati grant us svasti.

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